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Over 125 High School Students Attend HBCU Fair
Harrisburg, PA
03/10/2025 09:15 AM

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of South-Central PA and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. welcomed over 125 students from partner school districts to their third annual Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) Fair.

High school students from area high schools arrived at WITF, Central Pennsylvania’s PBS and NPR member station, for the HBCU Fair. 

BBBS of South-Central PA agency leadership and members of the local Zeta Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. personally greeted and welcomed attendees. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the first intercollegiate Greek letter fraternity established by African American Men in 1906 at Cornell University, is a Big Brothers Big Sisters local and national partner.

Students from across BBBS of South-Central PA’s 7-county service region were invited to attend the college and career exploration fair. Attendees had the chance to speak with HBCU and local universities admission officers and students were able to submit their applications on site. Additional vendors included regional employers offering internships, current job openings and post-secondary career pathways. 

"We are offering area students the unique opportunity to directly engage with HBCU representatives and get a taste of college life," says Corey Dupree, Program Director at BBBS of South-Central PA. "Our breakout spaces allow high schoolers to sit down and learn from current HBCU students about what their everyday life is like and what our young people can expect when they go to post-secondary institutions."

Event sponsor Lincoln University hosted an interactive session on HBCU student life and a break-out session exploring healthy strategies for managing stress, mental well-being and increasing awareness around Black youth suicide prevention. Both session discussions were led by current Lincoln University students.

Dupree expressed his gratitude to BBBS of South-Central PA partners for their support, "Everyone has come together today, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity members, Lincoln University students, our school partners, local businesses and the colleges and university representatives to give high schoolers a better understanding of post-secondary education opportunities and experiences. Our collective goal is to provide our young people with the education, support and resources to become enrolled, enlisted or employed upon high school graduation. We are deeply grateful to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and our event sponsors Lincoln University, PA Department of Human Services & OMHSAS, for supporting the growth of the HBCU Fair."


About Big Brothers Big Sisters of South-Central PA

Big Brothers Big Sisters of South-Central PA, formerly known as Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region, creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. For over 40 years, BBBS of South-Central PA has kept its promise by expertly crafting and maintaining compatible mentoring matches between Littles (youth) and Bigs (mature volunteers) throughout the South-Central PA region. Our commitment includes using evidence-based best practices to achieve personalized outcomes and supporting matches throughout the mentoring relationship (one to ten years). Contributions in all forms are vital to fulfilling the agency’s mission. BBBS of South-Central PA is a 501(c)(3) charity, registered with the PA Bureau of Charities, and an affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. For more information, visit the BBBS of South-Central PA website at 



Krystina Shultz
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