Anticipated Opening - Itinerant Autistic Support
Teacher (K-12)
Permanent, full-time position at Annville-Cleona School
District beginning with the 2025-2026 academic year. The Itinerant
Autistic Support Teacher will provide direct support and social skills
instruction in various settings, including the general education
classroom. The successful candidate will collaborate with school staff,
including teachers, administrators, and specialists, to implement effective
behavioral strategies and accommodations for students. The successful candidate
will write and develop Individualized Education Plans for the caseload
students. Strong presentation, communication, and writing skills and
excellent interpersonal skills are desired. Previous experience
with Autistic Support, ABA, Verbal Behavior, and/or Sensory
Integration is preferred, but not required. Special Education
certification required (Grades PreK-12).
Deadline for internal applications: March 28,
Deadline for external applications: March 28, 2025
Interested applicants must apply via Recruit & Hire
at: .